I took a 4 day vacation. which felt so long but short at the same time. Mom, grandma and my bro came over here for the weekend. At first, I don't know why but everything was annoying me. Mom just says things that are obvious and she thinks that theyre so new! or something I dont know. We went to Walmart and ended up being there for like 2 hours cause my bro wandered off. I bought the second season of Nip/Tuck so now I'm ready for the incoming season yay! Me & Shani saw the whole season in two days hahaha. Then the next day we had breakfast. Finally no more cafeteria food or frozen food! lol Then we headed towards my aunts house. We stayed there for a while and headed to Jim's to have lunch. Then we went seperate ways. Me and Shani and the girls went with my aunt to the Flea Market. Let me tell you, I havent seen so many ghetto Mexicans in my life...lip liner no lipstick, painted eyebrows in weird shapes, tatted up everywhere, baggy pants. lol Then after walking for about an hour we headed back home. The girls were restless. but we went to the Quarry to Old Navy. i am in dire need of new clothes. Everything is either way too loose or way too tight. ugh...
On Labor day me and Shani decided not to step outside the dorm. We were so fucking tired from the past few days and from the lack of sleep.
I talked to John 3 days in a row and I kinda got used to it. He didnt call me last night...it made me kinda pissed lol. I dont want to be clingy so thats why i refused to call him, or any other guy (just Mario...He doesnt count). He is getting sweeter with me...what is all of this supposed to mean though? I want to see him when i go back to Houston, but I don't think thats going to be able to happen. I will be occupied with other things. This weekend is Chicken's Bday and I doubt that he will want to go to a Gay club. He's far too pretty for that, I might get jealous lol. then the next weekend I have to spend friday with Mario and Saturday with Chicken. I could take him to the 15, but I don't think thats right. He'll feel weird and I will too. I'll just wait until Thanksgiving.
I was back in class today. The RA is back to his usual self. he sat next to me and he actually stayed there for the whole class. Maybe it was because I was sitting next to him and he woulda felt weird IDK. But he was asleep the whole time. Its like why are you wasting your time showing up? Maybe he is one of those people that can fall asleep in class and still pass. Who knows? All I know is that I can't be that way lol. Then in my Political Science class I liked the opening discussion. Race and the disaster in Louisianna. I was surprised that this one white guy said, "Why do we have 150,000 people somewhere else, when we need them here to help us?" he was refferrring to the troops in Iraq and everybody was in an uproar about his comment but I was like Go White boy! he has some balls lol. And then this other guy from OK predicted that in some years New Orleans will be white. That the people that have land in NO will sell it cheaply and that the whites will prosper and gain from this. It was a good prediction. "What are you going to do when you see the piece of land where your house used to stand? You will not have money to rebuild and if some white guy tells you, 'hey I'll buy your land for 5,000-10,000' dollars what are you going to say? Of course youre going to take it, there will be some kind of money for you at least. The whites are going to be glad that they dont see a blask person in some odd 100 miles" I thought it was funny. But then the lecture came on. It was so disorganized. I know now that i will have to read if i have any chance of passing that class.