Monday, November 22, 2010

One of them days

I just had one of those deppressing days. I wanna keep on being depressed but want to not be at the same time. I went on one of those Juan crazed moments. I was doing so well, but thats what i always say.

I was telling Amanda P. How much i dont wanna be married right now, and how i didnt get everyone that was having kids and such. She said she did want to be married, and that she thought DJ was gonna be the one (before they broke up and he went crazy and lives in Costa Rica). Then i went on to say, "well i guess if i did have someone i would be think it would be a good idea to marry" sadly, i dont have anyone to think about marriage with.

Then Luisa has been retweeting all this astrology shit. So, i decided to look into it and do all this bullshit compatability test with me and Juan. Astrology is know it, i know it, but its always true. Astrology describes my character pretty well, but i dont think it describes all capricorns. Maybe i'm just a textbook version of a capricorn.

Anyway, it described our the tee almost. It went on to say that we were soooooo compatible, and i started to cry. Its just fucking astrology for fucks sake! Its fucking stupid. Its Faggetry.

I miss him so much. I hate it! I hate it so much. I just wanna rip my heart out! Its almost been 3 years and it still hurts like if it all happened yesterday. Im unable to deal with it and i just wanna burry it deep inside me.
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