Sunday, December 12, 2010

Close to stalker

I'm here in San Antonio, waiting on christys call  she said we should meet up but she doesn't answer her phone and I've driven nowhere for a whole hour except that I went there again. I can't believe I did that again and I really shouldn't make a habit out of it cause I'm not creeper but it sure doesnt seem like I am. I started thinking that they have cameras on the entrances so they probably have my plate numbers. Oh great! So when he files for a restraining order they already have proof that I'm completely insane.

Parents truck was out there and so were 3 other cars that I have no idea who they belong to. Not the infinity, and I surely do not see him driving a crv or rav4 whatever that was. Or that station wagon looking VW. I just end up upsetting myself and wondering where the fuck he is if he's not in Texas. Though a lot could happen in 2 years. He could have moved away. He could have moved out. He could have shacked up with somebody.

The possibilities are endless. And I will forever be obsessive

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