Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I slept for 13 hours last night and I'm sick. My cough sounds disgusting, but at least I don't have a runy nose.

Everytime I rush and eat my breakfast before class I feel so nauseated by the time I get to class. I have two tests Thursday and a paper due Sunday. I haven't started my volunteer work, and I can only volunteer Saturdays. I got one of my papers back from my class and I think that's the maddest I've ever been for getting an A ever. He said that it wasn't organized the way he wanted when I swear it was -5 for that and then he gave me a 3 out of 4 for my writing. Idk it felt like a slap in the face. Idk why I took it so personal. I should have used 10 dollar words. -5 for that too. Straight up faggetry.

I went to this ghetto store named Melrose today. I got this jacket from there last October that I really love and I was meaning to go back. I had some free time before I picked up my bro. When I walked in two chics with two sm children walked out. The whole time I was there I heard children crying. If it wasn't some chics kid it was the other broad's 2nd infant. I don't hate on the young ghetto mothers, if that's what works then its whatever, but I thank the inventor of birth control everyday for not coming up preggo in high school or after. With this ABA training though I think I will educate my child to be so smart lol. Let me cross my fingers.

Esteban called me on valentines day. He said he had a horrible one because his gf was throwing a bitch fit. I'm not surprised really. It happens nearly every other day.

My iPod headphones are struggling to stay alive but they are nearing their end.

I had to use a hair toner today and I got some in my mouth. It numbed my mouth for a good 30 minutes lol.

I saw Matthew again online today. Ugh. I need to delete him off my list or something. It irks me to see his name there. I can't imagine anything happening with him ever not even a friendship. So why does it bother me? Maybe I need to go to his house and punch him in the face. Yes? No...he's white. He'd probably file something legal against me lmao. I hate him.

I'm really digging this song
Letters from the sky
By civil twilight

Especially 0:48-0:59. :)
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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