Monday, April 25, 2011

Three Story house

I guess I've had other things on my mind that I completely forgot to even blog about this. I mean I could say that it wasn't important to me to even mention it, but that would be a lie since I remember telling myself the whole morning, "DON'T FORGET THIS DREAM! REPLAY IT REPLAY IT!"

I think it was last week. The whole dream isn't in my mind anymore, I just remember fragments of it. So, the dream was about Juan. The first house we lived in in Texas was a two story house. you could see the stars there because we lived next to open fields, and I think in that area, there is a lot of cattle. Next to the house there was a little space between the brick and the fence where there were banana leaves. The stupid things never actually made bananas, but nonetheless they were there.

So, in my dream I was sitting there, in that area between the fence and the neighbor's fence. It was dark and I was looking up at the stars. I looked down at myself and I was thin, and petite which will never happen since I am 5'7" I had a notebook with me, a pair of binoculars and headphones on. I could see my neighbor's house that was three stories (our actual neighbors were elderly, and had a one story house that was pink). The house was white, and every floor was a different room. I could see clearly into the rooms because They didnt have a back wall, they had a back window. The top floor had Juan's parents, the 2nd floor was Juans room, third floor was Juan's little brother and then there was a small house in the backyard that was his sisters.

I saw him in his room, but he looked different. He looked dorky, and unkept. He was wearing this heavy blue hoodie, and glasses. He was slightly overweight, and I didn't understand. In the dream, I was thinking to myself, "I have the wrong guy. Thats not him" I felt the feeling of ewww that can't be him...thats gross. I kept watching him, and he walked up to his parents bedroom. I kept staring at him with my binoculars, and said, "No, that is him" and I went through this mental process in my mind that his outer appearance would never change his personality. But I think I was still put off by it. I had made up my mind that I was just gonna go for it.

As I got up to go somewhere else...I think to his house, I saw a bright light flash. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I saw him as I remember him from this picture he has (wearing this dark green shirt...idk) extending a hand to me to help me up. Then my alarm went off and I woke up.

I wish I knew what dreams meant...

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