I'm here listening to Franz Schubert, and enjoying it. I've always been a big fan of classical music, but the sad kind. This one is all like in your face screaming "LET'S DANCE LIKE IN TITANIC!" lol.
Anyway, i was reading other people's blogs today and I was like...humm their lives seem way more interesting than mine. lol. I just mope around about the men that have gone and went in my life...blah. What else do I have to talk about? I dont have an extensive vocabulary to make everything sound marvelous. I just use a lot of profanity hahah. And then i started wondering, does anybody read my blog? I doubt it, but whatever. I just started recording my history because I have such a crappy memory. I'm scared that when I'm old and cant even wipe myself I'll get alzheimers or however its spelled.
I should be doing this outline for my history class...blah I dont want to. and its like crap cindy! you;ve sat on your ass all day might as well do something, but no...I've seen all my midterm grades and I have a C in each class...except TX politics I dunno whats going on with that one. I have a test next week and I havent showed up to class in like 2 weeks. hahaha. Ughh...I complain that in my HIS class, the tests are so far apart and its crazy for me to remember all of the information (though I did pass the midterm with a C without studying), and then I complain that in my ANT class the tests are like 2 weeks apart. i just got done with one test last week, and next week I have another. What a bitch! I do love that class though.
I dont know where my life is headed now. After me and Aaron broke up, I put so much energy into getting John, that my mind refused to take anybody else seriously. Now, its weirding me out that there isnt one soul that I can talk to. No guy that is lusting over me. No guy that wants to get to know me. And I dont even have a crush. There's no guy that I desire here in SA. Nobody that whenever he passes by I try to find something to do with my hands and look at my feet or look to the side as if there was really something interesting on the wall.
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