When it comes to EVERYTHING I'm always the first one think the worst, expect the worst, imagine the worst, give up before the "worst" comes...hahahha I miss Aaron dearly...and i want him back with me where he belongs. I was talking to my friend last night and she told me that she wants him back too, she thinks he'll be good for me. Our relationship was very dysfunctional, but it ultimately worked and we loved eachother very much.
I just need somebody to here for me while I get rid of any "John", Javier memories that I have. Well...I just need Aaron...I'm like trying really hard to actually believe he's thinking about me and all that mumble jumble. I keep on wondering what he's doing, what he's up to...I cant help it. I still love him. I gotta wonder about stupid stuff like that.
On another note, this guy I used to be friends with back in sophomore year called me today. lol...hummm in funny circumstances. He said he was calling everybody he knew cause he just got outta jail lol. He said he was in there for 6 months. I was like whoa! lol. He's stupid. I knew he was going to end up in some kind of bull shit like that. He said they were almost going to rape him up in there and that he joined in in a raping of a white guy that got put in there for raping a little boy...uhhh he had already done participated in homosexual activities before. he used to work as a rent-a-cop at a gay club back in Houston. hehehehe My friend from middle school knew him...always thought that he was cute or whatever. lol But that was weird...and I dont want him calling me anymore. I just answered cause I didnt know the number and I keep on getting paranoid that its Aaron. but whatever...
One of these days he's really going to call and I'm not going to answer...lol
I went to class today and it was really hot in the morning and i was like ughh just another day. I went into class and when I came out an hour 1/2 later it was super dark outside and it was raining cantaros. I had my trusty umbrella, but I still got wet from my mid-thigh down. I was wearing flip flops to kill it even more and now my legs hurt really bad...my feet were freesing for a good 15 minutes and then when i dried off and changed clothes I didnt put socks on so I my legs were still cold but i was like whatever...lol its going to be my own fault if I get sick.
The stupid dorm phone rarely works and its getting on my damn nerves...I cant use my minutes cause somebody else is hogging them all like if daytime calls are of a life and death matter. Ughh just really pisses me off that she uses the minutes like crazy. I dont want it to go overboard with the minutes again, when the extra minutes are 35 cents more. UGH...I need to call my loan lender...
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