So It seems like Aaron only wants me around when its convenient for him. Ha... he called me a couple of days ago because his dumbass over worked himself and he tore a muscle. He was such an ass to me when I called him last week on Thursday...and now he expects me to lick his wounds? ha! I love him...but my pride...I have it and I'm not letting it go.
I KNEW that I was right about Jay. He's a come and go guy. He's been...ugh...not a boyfriend to me really. Ehhh...I'm not surprised. Hummm...but maybe if I hadn't pushed him away from me...this wouldn't be happening. He wanted to come spend the weekend with me at the dorm, but I said no. But whatever...i'll just ride this out.
Having 3 classes back to back starting at 8 in the morning was NOT a good idea! I was totally lost in my music class and my lit class...ahhh!!! I couldn't even stay awake in POL and lit. I think I will need tutoring for my music class...Most people there took band and know how to read music. Hummm...I dont know all these different terms. The prof said that we didnt nessesarily needed to know how to read music, but we needed to know the difference when we heard it. SOmehow I thought that it was Classical music history...I was mistaken.
My upstairs neighbors have gotten worse...with their crappy music that I hate. All I hear is this all times of the day. It is SOOO annoying. But what is good is that one of room mates left. I'm not saying that she wasn't a good one...whatever. But i'm just glad that our place is much much quieter now. Its pretty nice. Our new room older. She graduated in 97 or 98 from hs. yeah...big difference.
So...In total I bought 5 books and 4 CDs...totalling nearly 400 bucks. I'm upset...that could have been a sidekick and a psp...ARGH!
My head hurts...and I don't expect neither Jay or Aaron to call me...fuckin bastards. So I'm going to sleep now.
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