It was like 1130. So, we dropped off Candice. On the way back to Vanessa's house, we talked - Vanessa and I, about my situation with a certain person. I was really fired up in the morning, and she was the first one I spoke to about it. She said to me, "You know, you can look at it in two ways. One is that he's an asshole who just wanted one thing. On the other hand, he's just too hurt by what you did that he's just not over it." I was like, "Yeah, you can say that"
"But...but! Ever since this morning, I've been leaning more towards the first theory. I never thought about it because you said that y'all had such a strong bond."
"Exactly! I didn't even cross my mind to think that way. It was ingrained in my head that he was this one person because he's always just been one type of person with me, never the asshole. He was always there for me. We even exchanged 'I love you's. He was my best friend, my birthday buddy."
Meh...we continued the conversation, exchanged more ideas. By the end of that conversation, I was more disgusted with him...that I could have ever possibly imagined. That's probably for the best. 80% of the love...that honest love has left me. I've never told a friend that I loved him or her...unless drunk. I've def haven't said it on a daily basis or even talked about...compared it to other things (i.e. I love you more than I love Bill Clinton). So, that was a big deal to me.
The sweet memories are fading so fast. I can breathe easy. I hate to say it...but feelings of resentment and revulsion towards him are flooding me over and under. Its sad that I thought the friendship meant A LOT, and in the end...it was all bull shit.
Moving on...
I had gotten some bloodwork done like in November. The results came in - elevated white blood count, and elevated liver enzymes. In the paperwork she mailed, the liver enzymes were called ASPT or something like that...I lost the paper. Well I didn't think to look up what they meant until like a couple of days before my follow-up. I got scareeeddd when I found out the causes. lol. So, I went back to the doc and she sat me down, and said, "I'm going to talk to you about two things. The first thing is that your blood count is high in all levels, but looking at your past history, your red blood cell count had been elevated before. That's not whats bothering me. The white blood count is high which means that your body is trying to fight off something. That something - I dont know. It could have been a cold." "No, I wasnt sick. I havent been sick all season" She then continued on, "Or it could have been an error, who knows? We will have to retest you. Now, the next thing has really concerned me. Your liver enzymes are more than twice than of a healthy liver. Certain drug use might cause it, or Hepititis. Have you traveled outside of the country in the past year? Have you been sharing needles with anyone? Have you been with anybody with it?" All of my answers to that were NO.
So, she asked me if I had a problem taking another blood test, and of course that was a NO...take all the blood you want, if it means that nothing's seriously wrong with me! Shit...she sure did take a lot, and my arm hurt for like two weeks. lol. Today is Monday...or was Monday and its 7 am...tuesday. Blah point is my doctor called me on Monday. She told me that the verdict was still the same. Now I have to visit a gastroenterologist. Ugh...I have to wait until Thursday to see him. I am going insane because I dont know whats going on!
Now that I know where the liver is , I'm like...yeah, I always get weird sharp pains on my right side...and recently that side has looked like...swollen or bloated in comparison to the other side of my stomach. I thought that I had pains because I had eaten something bad...or something. I really paid no mind it. I mean I wasnt bed-ridden or whatever...ugh.
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