I woke up super early today...10 am. haha. I was set that this was going to be a day where I took care of shit. I took a shower, did my makeup and went out the door. My first stop was the front office. They had a package for me. i was excited because I thought it was one of the 4 packages set to arrive...one of these days.
A. My Accounting book
B. My Eco book
C. The two 88 palletes from Coastal Scents
D. The pigment samples
Bleh...it was NONE! It was a book that was returned to me. It angered me...and I stormed out...sort of not really. I had taken my wallet into the apartment main clubhouse because they usually ID. Well this time they didn't. I drove to the post office to drop off the packages yet again. Mind you, the post office is 5 minutes away. When I got there, I was searching around for my wallet. No luck. I started freaking out. I called the office and they said they had it. I was like whoa...how great. Well, when I retrieved it, 200 + bucks were no longer there (I had returned the ACC and ECO books the day before). My heart sank. I don't make enough money to be ok with losing 250 bucks. I was really upset...I even started crying. Because I don't like to rely on my parents for my extra expenses. They pay for my rent, and food...which is more than expected. 200 + was for the OTHER two books that I needed. It was also my birthday money. I mean...like what the hell. I couldn't use it for stuff that I wanted and I couldn't even use it for stupid books either because its GONE!
I was really angry...I had already lost my G1...and to drop my wallet was just too much. Its just like dissapointing. I was dissapointed in myself for being careless, and I was dissapointed in people all together. I was really happy that I had started off the year with MONEY. lol. Ever since I went to Vegas last March, I've been constantly broke. I did pay off two of my credit cards and that was amazingly awesome. On the other hand, I have like 3 others that aren't even half-way paid off. Now, the rest of my bday money will go to the dumb Marketing book-150! I hate when profs change the edition like every semester. why? Its really unfair.
Moving on...
I finally saw a doctor on Monday. I walked into this place which was huge. It was like a practice for like 10 doctors...that did the same thing. OMG there were soooo many old people. I am SURE that I was the youngest patient there. I'm serious...like canes, and walkers galore! I was expecting my doctor to be a short gray-white haired man with a thick mustache. lol. IDK. The nurse Liza (she was super cool) called me over and she took my weight...ugh, my blood pressure which was normal (say what?!) and my pulse. She led me to the room to wait for the doc, and on the way there I made eye contact with this gorgeous dude. OMG. lol. He was a sweet piece of eye candy. I mean I hadn't been so attracted to anybody THAT severely in ages. He was tall and had the broad shoulders and this amazing smile. I wanted him to take me!
haha. Turned out that he was my doctor, Dr. Serna. Fresh outta med school...fellowship whatever its technically called. wowza! He spoke to me about like what I was experiencing, and he was like I'm pretty sure its this...blah. Which was bad, but in comparison to the REST of the liver diseases I got off easy. He told me to sit on the examining bed thingie. "Breathe in, breathe out" haha Then...he told me to lay down. He was going to examine my stomach...I was fine because he was doing it over my clothes...AHHH but then he pulled up my shirt! Ahh! At least give me a warning. My mom said that I totally turned red haha. I was so embarrased. He had such warm soft hands...nice. lol He sent me off to get like soooo many blood tubes out of my arm...meh, I'm getting used to it already. i should go donate plasma now. So, I have to go get an ultrasound of my belly...today at 1130 am. eeek. and I get to see him again on the 2nd. IDK...like I feel really weird seeing that I am like such a loser around dudes I find attractive.
On another note, Shani, Amanda and I have started our own diet tribe haha. We have been working out everyday for the past couple of days...pushing Amanda to her limits (haha not really). After, I'm like too wired to go to sleep. I've been sleeping like 4 hour mornings, and I feel like shit until we go workout. I find myself dozing off in classes. Its fun though! It really does help to go with other people.
Oh em gee! My accounting professor is like bipolar. lol. He's a smart guy, and he goes extremely quick. Sammy and I have trouble keeping up ahaha. It was just too funny. Usually people have like the tendency to start packing up like 2 minutes or so before class ends. Once people did that today he was like, "WE ARE NOT DONE! i don't like this. If you don't want to be here then just leave. Don't disrupt me before its 945" Everybody in the class just froze, and there was a moment of silence. lol. He then just signed off of the computer and was like, "WE'RE DONE!" and preceded to storm out of the room. It was so funny. I mean we were being disrespectful to an extent, but he usually talks about stupid stuff..."Close your books and put away your notes and lets think. Be in the accounting midset. What floor are we on? let it be fresh" lol.
A. My Accounting book
B. My Eco book
C. The two 88 palletes from Coastal Scents
D. The pigment samples
Bleh...it was NONE! It was a book that was returned to me. It angered me...and I stormed out...sort of not really. I had taken my wallet into the apartment main clubhouse because they usually ID. Well this time they didn't. I drove to the post office to drop off the packages yet again. Mind you, the post office is 5 minutes away. When I got there, I was searching around for my wallet. No luck. I started freaking out. I called the office and they said they had it. I was like whoa...how great. Well, when I retrieved it, 200 + bucks were no longer there (I had returned the ACC and ECO books the day before). My heart sank. I don't make enough money to be ok with losing 250 bucks. I was really upset...I even started crying. Because I don't like to rely on my parents for my extra expenses. They pay for my rent, and food...which is more than expected. 200 + was for the OTHER two books that I needed. It was also my birthday money. I mean...like what the hell. I couldn't use it for stuff that I wanted and I couldn't even use it for stupid books either because its GONE!
I was really angry...I had already lost my G1...and to drop my wallet was just too much. Its just like dissapointing. I was dissapointed in myself for being careless, and I was dissapointed in people all together. I was really happy that I had started off the year with MONEY. lol. Ever since I went to Vegas last March, I've been constantly broke. I did pay off two of my credit cards and that was amazingly awesome. On the other hand, I have like 3 others that aren't even half-way paid off. Now, the rest of my bday money will go to the dumb Marketing book-150! I hate when profs change the edition like every semester. why? Its really unfair.
Moving on...
I finally saw a doctor on Monday. I walked into this place which was huge. It was like a practice for like 10 doctors...that did the same thing. OMG there were soooo many old people. I am SURE that I was the youngest patient there. I'm serious...like canes, and walkers galore! I was expecting my doctor to be a short gray-white haired man with a thick mustache. lol. IDK. The nurse Liza (she was super cool) called me over and she took my weight...ugh, my blood pressure which was normal (say what?!) and my pulse. She led me to the room to wait for the doc, and on the way there I made eye contact with this gorgeous dude. OMG. lol. He was a sweet piece of eye candy. I mean I hadn't been so attracted to anybody THAT severely in ages. He was tall and had the broad shoulders and this amazing smile. I wanted him to take me!
haha. Turned out that he was my doctor, Dr. Serna. Fresh outta med school...fellowship whatever its technically called. wowza! He spoke to me about like what I was experiencing, and he was like I'm pretty sure its this...blah. Which was bad, but in comparison to the REST of the liver diseases I got off easy. He told me to sit on the examining bed thingie. "Breathe in, breathe out" haha Then...he told me to lay down. He was going to examine my stomach...I was fine because he was doing it over my clothes...AHHH but then he pulled up my shirt! Ahh! At least give me a warning. My mom said that I totally turned red haha. I was so embarrased. He had such warm soft hands...nice. lol He sent me off to get like soooo many blood tubes out of my arm...meh, I'm getting used to it already. i should go donate plasma now. So, I have to go get an ultrasound of my belly...today at 1130 am. eeek. and I get to see him again on the 2nd. IDK...like I feel really weird seeing that I am like such a loser around dudes I find attractive.
On another note, Shani, Amanda and I have started our own diet tribe haha. We have been working out everyday for the past couple of days...pushing Amanda to her limits (haha not really). After, I'm like too wired to go to sleep. I've been sleeping like 4 hour mornings, and I feel like shit until we go workout. I find myself dozing off in classes. Its fun though! It really does help to go with other people.
Oh em gee! My accounting professor is like bipolar. lol. He's a smart guy, and he goes extremely quick. Sammy and I have trouble keeping up ahaha. It was just too funny. Usually people have like the tendency to start packing up like 2 minutes or so before class ends. Once people did that today he was like, "WE ARE NOT DONE! i don't like this. If you don't want to be here then just leave. Don't disrupt me before its 945" Everybody in the class just froze, and there was a moment of silence. lol. He then just signed off of the computer and was like, "WE'RE DONE!" and preceded to storm out of the room. It was so funny. I mean we were being disrespectful to an extent, but he usually talks about stupid stuff..."Close your books and put away your notes and lets think. Be in the accounting midset. What floor are we on? let it be fresh" lol.
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