Thursday, January 29, 2009

And I thought I had it bad

Our 4th roommate has been like...missing for about 4 months. Shani and I were like...maybe she's like lying in a ditch somewhere. I was like, "Txt her to see where she at?" and she did. The 4th wrote a series of 3 messages

1. The new-old bf broke up with her in december (she was totally in love with him...and it was a lil weird)

2. She broke a bone...leg? idremember

3. She lost her phone and hadn't replaced it in a month.

Obviously she didn't register for classes again, and she's not living-living here but she has to pay rent. gayness!

I was supposed to go to Houston this weekend because my grandma's knee surgery was supposed to be today. However, her surgery got rescheduled for next week, which sucks for all. I have upcoming tests...eek! and I think I have two that following week. I mean I have to show my face, Mehh...I'm not good with words but being there should be enough. Now, my other grandma. She recently suffered a stroke, I think. She's in El Salvador at the I'm not really sure. My aunt Marina went over, and tried to be of some help. I think she just got taken advantage of. My dad got in a fight with my grandpa...and I think that with their age they're just getting senile. I know that most of my cousins have "much" love for them because some were raised by them, but i don't share the same love. Maybe its because Abuelita Sara has always been mean to me. Mentioning that I don't look like their side of the family when I clearly do, more than my lil' bro anyway. And saying that I'm a bad grandchild because I don't praise her like the rest of my cousins or don't speak to her...whatever. The last time she was here she was always busy with other people. Ugh...I do feel bad for her, and I wish she would have gotten sent over here to better care for her.

These past two weeks, I've been like high. hahaha. Not literally high - on drugs, whatever, but feeling really good. I feel amazing. I feel wow! lol. I can't seem to stop talking about it. I've eliminated the drama from my life. Its given me the opportunity to be me. I don't worry about anything or anybody but ME! I'm on the top of my list. ANNNDDDD because of the awesome DT-trio :) Late nights will never be the same.

Stupid bareminerals keeps on breaking me out! BUT!!! In a week I'll be out and that hoe of a product will be out of my vida! So, MAC Mineralized skin finish it will be! I'm a dumbass for still using the BM...meh...I can deal. My next MAC stop will be Tuesday!!! The Hello Kitty Unveiling!!! Ahhh!!!! So excited! I think my whole paycheck will go to MAC. hahaha.

I had a really crappy day at work today. I swear I was about to bust a vein. The kids have been driving me insane the past two days. What are they feeding the children at school!!?!?!? Today, I just gave up. I let them run wild. hahaha. fuck it. I wish I could put my two weeks in. Sadly, no, I need dinero.

Last Rant :

Shani saw somebody a couple of days ago. It was lame and gay...extreme form of faggetry. I am SO glad that i wasn't with her because I mean, we go almost everywhere together. I'm over it...I've been over it in so many ways already. haha. To be honest, I RARELY think about him. I don't wonder what he's doing, or who he's with, or if he's even alive lol. I can say that I DO think about him...when thinking of the Matrix...what an asshole to not return my things, huh? Ugh, when she told me that she had seen "Stephen" at walmart (through text). My first thought was like what...that dude from work is skipping out to make more WM hours? what a jerk! lol So I asked her which one? we know so many. lol.

She let me know who it was...I brushed it off like nothing. Laughed out loud a little. ugh, but I found myself dreaming with reminded me of my favorite song at the moment, "See you in my nightmares" lol that now that I think of it...totally describes it hahaha. Total Nightmare, and I'm not even much playing. It was even gay-er because I knew that I was nightmare-ing so I woke myself up, but then I continued to have this stupid nightmare...when I went back to sleep. booo!!! I've just pretended that he was dead, or didn't exist, or lived on the other side of the world...that I did forget he existed hahaha. I convinced myself that it was true. hahaha. ok. lol wait...he doesn't. hahaha idk...I'm a little bit too hyper right now. I don't hate him...its whatever, but I see that its best if he doesn't exist - doesn't exist for me anyway.

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