I've been on a cleaning spree these past two days. Room, laundry, dishes, kitchen ahhhh!!! Lol a lot of dust got on my and I was itching a lot. I was like Massive amounts of dust! Itchy!! Allergic!! Ahhh!!! lol My deask though...still the same. I need like an area fo my makeup. Its like doubled in the past month. I found a place for my nail polishes, because I cleaned out my drawers in the bathroom and I organized everything under the sink. I had been meaning to do that for months. I rearanged my room too...exactly why I got so dusty. I moved around my small seating area - which consists of ONE chair haha. I also moved around my artwork, to be more...like balanced. The big-huge xray is above my bed and the 300 and war kiss posters are on either side of it.
And Ive been YouTubing...like...all the time lately. I think I've substituted television fo YouTube. I saw the most amazing video...most helpful video ever! Well, it was especially helpful because I have let my eyebrows just do their thing for the past three weeks. yuck. lol. I mean I did like a slight clean up like a week and a half ago but all ghetto...lol I can't find my tweezer and I have THREE pairs. what the french? lol. So, I used other methods. Anyway, the link is THIS OMG...Amazing-ness. I never thought that I could thread my own eyebrows. Its so much better than tweezing, and faster...it took me 10 minutes to like 80% grasp the technique. haha I was done...and had nothing else to thread. Gotta practice more when they grow back in.
I went to Target and Sally's yesterday. I bought more nail polish, and nail dryer and hair stuff and some cereal and more stuff. I got this most amazing shade of purple EVER! I love it so much that I wore my only purple shirt and put on some pink and purple eye shadow (that has now creased on me...what happened there?)lol...I'm retarded sometimes. I got this back comb-brush too. F that teasing shit...lol.
My "love hurts" ring fits so much better now. :) yay
I answered a call at 4 am last night...It was a trip. That saying, "Drunk words are sober thoughts" was totally true at that point. haha. I mean everything he told me, I already know. I've BEEN knowing this for a whole year, and then some. Its not some fucking news flash. We've never had good timing. 5 years and not one "right" moment. lol. I know him through and through. He knows me through and through. We don't have many things in common...if any, except that we both know how to speak spanish haha. Putting that aside, we get along like no other. We've had feelings for eachother ever since we met eachother, but its never happened. We've talked about it so much this past year. lol...how we aren't meant to be, but should be. I hate talking about it though...its faggetry. Like last night, I didn't want to talk about it. It makes me feel really uncomfortable because he has a gf. I don't know her...she lives in Nac. but just cause I don't know he and don't care for her doesnt give me the liberty to bogard (like Shani says) my way into their relationship. haha.
He wants to hang out when I go back to Houston. I do want to also, but seeing him and being around him makes me want to cross lines that shouldn't be crossed. I spoke to him and he said that he'd want to too, and thats not cool. I know that we can BOTH contain ourselves. He can be a gentleman - I can be a lady. I don't wanna risk it. I'll prob give in in March...haha. I'm not planning to go during Feb and this upcoming weekend, I'll be in the hospital/gmas house cause she'll be outta surgery.
He wants to come over here. He's been meaning to come over here once I give him the green light, but man...what is he gonna tell his gf? I mean she knows of me, exactly why she doesn't like him talking to me. Ugh, its so fucked up too. Whenever he tells me about their problems, I've always given him positive advice, not break-up-with-her advice. She should thank me...I've probably prevented them from breaking up so many times. ugh. The Cindy Advice Line should be CLOSED. lol.
Bleh whateverrrr...tra lah lah lah lah
I'm brushing my f'in shoulders off bitches.
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