Thursday, August 4, 2005

Family Vacation

So last night my mom told me that she wants us to go to South Padre Island. The thing is that she wants only me, my bro, her and my dad to go. And well i'm sorry but I cant spend two three days with my dad. he annoys the fuck outta me. And if I wear the "wrong" thing he gets pissed. I just can't do that ughhh. I asked her if i could invite somebody along and my dad is firm on his ground to just make it a family activity. HA like if we've ever been a family.

Today i received my room assignments, but its weird that we are missing one person. I heard the waiting list is up to the hundreds to live there. Its weird...I'm a hispanic, Shani is Black and the other chic Jessica is white. She is super skinny. Poor girl needs to be fed hahahah. She's from Clear lake...ugh. I dont even want to think about it, but I will try my best to get to know her first and then judge. Well...i feel like I need to get to know her. She seems nice so far.

Last night I was talking to Manny. Obviously he was high, probably on bars. He was acting so retarded. he was telling me all this nonesense. he was like youre so pretty, youre beautiful, youre fine, youre gorgeous. And he wouldn't stop. And then he was like, "the other day that i saw you, i wanted to kiss your lips. I wanted to...uhhh...taste your body with my lips. I...uhh...I know that you are on a different level...and blah" I felt so embarrased...for him and for me. And i was txting john at the same time. So then I got fed up with his stupid behavior, so I hung up on him. He didnt wanna go to sleep so I just hung up. then he called back and i rejected his call. He left me a message, "hey...uhh...I miss you. alright. bye" what a dumbass. That whole situation made me feel uncomfortable.

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