Friday, May 13, 2005

Busy Busy and Busy

I pulled an all-nighter to do Frodine's project. Yeah...I did it and I slept 3 hours. From 2-4 and from 6-7 hahaha. I took a shower in between and my eyes were burning, but when I wokre up again I was working at lightning speed...shit i wanted to go back to sleep. And I hate it cause my printer doesn't work well, or something I don't know,but everytime I do a print job I have to restart the computer to do another job. That really delayed me like an hour...seriously. And then I wake up 15 minutes late (on purpose) and I had left everything ready except for the project I still had one more page to print out, i had fallen asleep while the computer restarted. Anyway I end up leaving the project on my bed. I was kinda upset with myself, and then I felt bad cause my mom had to come drop it off all the way over there. Goodness there was some slow people in front of me on the way to school and on the way back home it was amazing. I was afraid to fall asleep in the morning on the way to school. Everytime I got to a light I started nodding. and then the train was passing at Yale, so I really did doze off there. But then I woke myself up, i was afraid that I might let go of the brake or something.

So I guess now I'm feeling a little guilty over the whole Aaron thing, but on the other hand it was a good decision. I KNOW FOR A FACT that if I would have not done Frodine's project. Ehhh...I just miss Esteban with a passion, but you know? I haven't had any time to think about anything...My mind has been blank.

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