I have my follow up with Dr. Serna today...I feel ugh. I don't want to go! He makes me nervous! But I am curious about the ultrasound. lol. And If I dont go...theres a fee hahaha. He takes my pulse...and it makes me even more nervous. lol thump thump in fast motion lol.
The Hello kitty Collection is almost here!!! AHhh!!! I'm excited...budgeting my cash. ugh, I hate pinching my money. Its LAME! Boy, do I miss those 250 bucks :(
I was talking to Vanessa earlier and we were talking about how we don't have money for the things that we would want. That we're living paycheck to paycheck. that our parents are living paycheck to paycheck. Its so sad. Everyone I know is HURTING financially. I feel guilty for going to school in San Antonio. I wish I could go back to Houston, but I've taken so many hours. Bleh.
Shani and I finally bought a vac lol. We had been meaning to buy one for like a year now. We do have a SMALL one but its lame. At Target we had actually grabbed the wrong one, and we only noticed it was the wrong one when it was scanned and paid for. We returned in before we left the store at least. Once we came back home, we were eating some pei wei...mmm...Kung Pao tofu :) and watching the Super Bowl. We finished eating and decided to open the box. We spilled over the box and were like, "WHAT we have to put this together?!?" lol Of course we had to. An upright vac could not have fit in that box.
I finally started the New Moon audiobook. I finished Twilight before Christmas...I just hadn't gotten aroud to NM.
Rearranging my room - My desk has turned into my vanity. lol I'm actually using my red chair now. I like my new sitting area. I love this chair its so comfortable :) I also put the red sheets back on my bed. I've lost all feeling towards it. I missed the red color.
I need a haircut, now. ugh, My hair has grown out SO slow. I refuse to cut it until JULY lol. It feels like straw when I don't have anything in it.
I don't know why I can't stop talking about it...seriously. I'm so happy. There are so many things that I can be unhappy about, but I haven't let it bring me down. Back to the conversation with Vanessa. She said, "I like having drama in my life, the excitement" I, on the other hand, don't and thats why I'm happy now. Spending time with my goddamn self has been theraputic.
He called me again last night. Ugh...I'm sick of it to be honest. I don't want him to speak to me about those sort of things. They are forbidden! I have decided that I will put a stop to this. Its not fair for me, its not fair for her...NO ONE! lol He said something that described me oh so well..or describes me as I am to everyone right before I become that vulnerable-gooey-eewwwness of a girl that allows herself to be trampled on by the "special" guy. He said, "Cindy, I know you. Behind that hard outer shell, you're such a good girl"
bahh! F that!
Time for a shower.
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