Friday, June 24, 2005

I didnt mean to

I didnt mean to hurt Oscar the way i did last night. i'm really sorry that i just dont feel the same that i used to. I can't force my feelings. he didnt when we were together so why should I when we're not together. Thats stupid I'm not going to be part of his "summer fun" He wants to fuck me I know. he didnt get it from me before so why in the hell would he think that i would give it to him now. When its almost 2 years since we were together. Ugh asshole. He didnt want ne back then when i was willing and ready and now he does? I think I looked way better back then...yeah like 30 less. hahah. He was hurt because I didnt feel the same for him. What can I do? so then before that we were talking about why wouldnt it be a good idea for us to be together. and i said well youre so insensitive and well I'm TOO sensitive and you know that. and then he was like you just let yourself be taken over your emotions I don't I'm just straight to the point. So then when i told him everything about how OVER him I am he gets mad. he tells me how special he is to me. He's the only ex i still talk to and i was like hold up! if you want to talk about special then youre 4th. And he was like 4th one thats been special or 4th place. and I was like forth down my list.
1st Esteban
2nd JC
3rd Aaron
then you hahaha
but i really dont know who... would be 4th I guess yea lol and Chad tied with Chad I guess.
So then he was all with his "hurt" voice and he was like oh..i guess I'll talk to you later. and I was like ok then there was a pause and i said bye and he just hung up on me. ASS!

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