Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Social Rejects

I've been here what? a period of three and a half weeks and have I made any friends? nope not one damn friend its so...argh! I've never been in a situation where I cant make any friends. i was the new girl for about 5 times and there was always somebody there to lend me their hand in friendship and now I am an outcast. I envy my room mates they go out ever weekend and have friends over a lot (which annoys me). I want to be able to annoy them with my friends. Everybody just seems like they got shit going on and going places and where do I go? To the fuckin flea market. I certainly felt like a pest there. How I wish that all the people that were supposed to come down here would have. So much loneliness...I feel like the world is superficial and that I am not appreciated because I dont have a pretty face and a size 5 body.

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