Thursday, September 8, 2005

To be an idiot you dont need to study

I received my replacement phone today, so when i received a call from a number I didnt recognize...again I thought it was Aaron, but it was Esteban to my surprise. I didnt enjoy that at all. Fuck it. I don't feel like dealing with the emotional side of things...not anymore. Well maybe thats just something I'm saying now cause I'm hurt and angry at the same time when I really shouldnt be because me and Esteban are long from over. SO we talked for about 15 minutes and then he said he was going to callme back, he didnt call me back until like 20 minutes later so yeah and then we spoke for like 5 minutes...his line clicked. I already know the drill. When the line clicks that means he needs to let me go. Ha...I'm stupid enough to think that he will actually click over and stay with me. All he talked about was this slut (he described her and I conclude that she's a slut). He's like chasing after her and all throughout the conversation i just felt like shutting him up.

I guess I still wish that he will call me one day and want to see me again...What a naive idiot! My Jordan wearing fool will never pay attention to me again. I have just turned to this girl that he likes to keep in touch with. I'm very confused about that cause I know for a fact that when he stops talking to a girl, he literally stops talking to them. Why does he still call me? I wanted so bad to tell him how I I felt all through this year, but everytime its like the line clicks and now I just think that I shouldnt say a damn thing. Its a sign, maybe.

I told John about it and he was like...lets go out...I was like what the fuck? he must be out his damn mind...ugh gotta sleep...

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