Saturday, September 3, 2005

He admitted it

John finally admitted to me that he liked me. I don't know how to take it...No I DIDNT force it outta him, he was the one that asked me. and of course I like him and he knows that but he was like i want you to tell me...and after sometime I gave in and told him that i did and he was like, "I do too, in more ways than one" I dunno how to feel so i was feeling kinda weird...then he was gonna let me go cause he is going to work today and he was like, "Blow me a kiss" and i was like...uhhhh WTF? lol. too weird too weird I havent had some romance in my life for months now...Now...i will go to sleep...I need to think much mind needs rest. i need to figure out what to do about this...what should my next step be?

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