Thursday, October 27, 2005


Tonight was good. I needed to leave the dorm and feel a little alive. We went to see Prime (we as in Me, Andee, Shani, Joanna and Fabian Andee's friend). It was a funny movie...i liked-ted-it, except for the ending. Now that sucked, though it was probably realistic...sorta. We got there really late, compared to the rest of the folks, so we sat in the front row. Then it ended at 9 and we headed over to TGIF. it was good. We got to know Fabian a little bit, but he was having "technical difficulties" so we didnt get to speak to him much, but from what I saw he seemed like a good guy. Me and Shani judged too quickly...bad very bad lol. I think Joanna felt uncomfortable. I will ask her on a later date.

Oscar called me. I was in the restaurant so I told him that i would call him back. It was so weird I used that "lovey dovey" voice. lol I dont even know where that came from. He did seem like he was upset or tired or something. I called back, but he didnt answer me. I missed him so much.

I'm so pissed off...but not really. Hopefully Friday will go smoothly. I'm not in a fighting mood. I'm kinda all down...

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